My Journey So Far...

Part 1....July 27th, 2013

Just before I started this journey I weighed myself... 117.4kg. I am just over 164cm tall. Pretty shocking, I know. At that weight I felt uncomfortable, my joints were starting to get sore and my snoring was keeping my partner awake. But what really scared me was my fasting insulin which, taken in April this year (2103) was 23.

Today, as I write this around two months into my journey, I am 109.6kg. I have lost 7.8kgs. My snoring has stopped, my joints feel less stiff and don't ache as much and, best of all, my insulin tested two weeks ago, was down to 13!

Obviously, I still have a long way to go. But I'm trying not to think of it as the mammoth task it is. I'm breaking it down into psychologically manageable mini goals.  My first mini goal is to lose 10kg (hopefully, sometime in the next month!!). My goal after that is to break under 100kg. After that....who knows?! I'll update.

But, really, weight loss is just part of it.

I admit that I started this venture with the main aim of losing weight. But then a funny thing happened...In all my reading - and I have done a LOT of it over the past few months - I have read over and over and over again just how unhealthy simple (and even some complex) carbohydrates are for your body. 
The flip side of this being how healthy fats are for your body. I've read of the role of insulin and cholesterol, and how inflammation is behind almost all of the chronic, terminal nasties out there (think type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, perhaps even Alzheimer's  ).

So there has been a shift. I still want to lose weight, absolutely I do! But, for perhaps the first time in my life, I have started to really care about what I put in my mouth purely for my health's sake. More than that though, I want the people I love to eat like this because I want them to be healthy and avoid the diseases that have already taken others I love. 

It's a bit rich that a person who is still so early in her own journey, with so much to learn, and so much weight to lose preaching about nutrition and health. I guess I am excited in a way reserved for someone who thinks they have found the answer to a lifelong problem. Because, that's exactly what it is. I think I have found the answer for me.  And I'm pretty bloody excited about it.

So, I don't apologise for my fervour and my determination to make myself - and hopefully, my family - healthier through dietary changes. 

If you dont like it, move on. But, honestly, I'd much rather you hung around and maybe learn a little about this way of eating alongside me. Or, at the very least, cheer me on from the sidelines.

Your support means a lot to me.

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